Bringing Kimchi on flight luggage


You cannot. My husband got into trouble with his 1kg of kimchi last year. Just put it in check-in luggage.


Any liquid or container with liquid must be of less than 100ml to be allowed on carry on. If it is larger, you must place it in checked luggage. It doesn't matter if part of the container is partially empty or holds other things than liquids (as bringing a 150ml jar of pickles than contains less than 100ml of vinegar). This is from a security standpoint.

You must also be aware of the rules for food safety and customs which different countries apply when food products enters the country. Korea should not be a problem, most countries do not control foods that are taken out. As a hint, if you see similar products at the airport, it will be allowed to take out. As you connect in France International-to-International, assuming you do not leave the airport, customs there should not be involved.

The unspecified South American country of your arrival though will have some rules and you should see the official food import regulations. In my experience, South American countries are less restrictive on food products than the US or Canada, except for special zones like the Galapagos, which have highly specific regulations (for example, limes are OK but not lemon, yogurt is OK but not milk).

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