1.5hr connecting flight in Toronto



shows the minimum connection time in YYZ for "international to US" to be 1 hour and 25 minutes. So your connection is "legal" but it's right on the edge.

In practices this means: if all goes well (no delays, no major lines at immigration/customs) you will make the connection. If you don't, Air Canada will rebook you on the next available flight to PDX for free.


That's a doable connection, but it's tight. You'll be clearing customs and immigration twice at YYZ (Pearson, Toronto) - once for Canada, once for the US (pre-clearance). You will need to reclear security after clearing US customs and immigration. (Canada is moving at some airports to not require this after re-entering Canada, but the US so far has not followed suit.) This means if there's any delay, you'll be at risk of missing your connecting flight home.

I'd strongly recommend a longer connection. This one is possible, but it's fraught with danger and you'll need to move fast. (If you have NEXUS and/or Global Entry, that will help; the former will help with both customs passes, the latter only with the US, but it will still help.)

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