From where exactly does the airport bus near Schottentor U2 in Vienna leave?


The zoomable map at shows Liechtensteinstraße and the airport bus stop, 3-4 blocks from the tram terminal at Schottentor. The "stop info" says

Vienna Airport Lines buses stop on Liechtensteinstraße (by the Liechtensteinstraße exit from Schottentor underground station, on the U2 line).

which suggests that there is a separate eastern exit from the U-Bahn station.

The map at appears to show the route of the airport bus as a green line. It agrees with the above map about the location, but on the other hand shows U2 one street over from where it looks like it is on Google Maps (and the few street photos I can find), so caveat lector.

(I have no personal experience with this location, but it grew too long for a comment).

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