Collecting and rechecking luggage in Doha- do I need a travel visa?


Accepted answer

Luggage can be collected by flyer only after clearing immigration and thus by buying visa. Fees is QAR 100 (USD = 100/~3.65), and can br paid only by card ( any, debit/credit, which will work with visa/mastercard etc networks) no cash allowed.

Source: I live in Doha.

Edit: The only certain thing is, if airline does the transfer of luggage from one leg to other, then you don't need visa. If you, a.k.a Flyer need to collect it & then check it in for next leg, then you need visa.

Most probably if you get all the boarding passes at the start of your journey, most of the times it means your luggage is checked through all the way, and airline itself will do the luggage handling at transit airports.


I contacted the embassy in the US, and they mentioned if I have to collect the luggage in Doha, I will have to get a transit visa.

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