Do I need to check out and check in again in transit airport?


It is a sharp question because it depends if the airlines in question have a baggage interline agreement. US and QR do. Your bag should be through-checked to your final destination, in which case you will not see it again until you arrive in Dhaka. However you should check this when you drop off your baggage.


You will not have to collect your bags again. Your bags will be checked in all the way to DAC since you are on a codeshare flight.

Relax, and enjoy your (long) trip. Qatar Airways has some really good food and the newly revamped airport in Doha is also very nice.


Actually my experience tells me, that it is mostly not a matter of the airline. At least in Europe it works pretty well beyond airline, international and intercontinental flights. From my travel experience in Asia, once you change from national to international flights, it happens fairly frequent that you have to collect your luggage.

What I remember, if you entering US from abroad, you'll always have to pick up your luggage before connecting flight.

So I guess you'll only know if you ask the clerk at the baggage drop.

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