Can you suggest a route to travel from Moscow to Siberia and return in 2 weeks?


Accepted answer

If you have only 2 weeks - 3 days in Moscow = 11-10 days, then forget about European part of Russia and go straight to Siberia. I don't know why everybody suggests TSR, but personally it is very dull to sit in train for a week.

First try to feel Moscow life rhythm. You will see later how it is different in Siberia. Then I suggest you to fly from Moscow to Yekaterinburg and move from there by train. IMHO Siberia gem is in its boundless territory with some scent of wilderness. You can feel it only by traveling by train or car. In Siberia you can feel that Moscow is far away from that region (no wonder that fugitive serfs ran away to there to start a new life).

Try to visit Tomsk, Omsk. Visit Kemerovo to see industrial Siberia, though I think that it is the worst city in Russia 8) Then go to Altai. Altai is a must. Krasnoyarsk is a must too(Yenisei is a mighty Siberian river). From Krasnoyarsk fly back to Moscow. I don't think that you would be able to see Baikal due to lack of time. BTW Altai also needs extra time, but if you traveling around why don't visit it even for a while.

Keep in mind that spring is time when ticks wake up from winter sleep. Siberia was always in front lines of tick encephalitis infections in Russia.


Maybe an obvious question, but have you looked at doing the Trans-Siberian Express instead of going back and forth to Moscow?

You could land in Moscow, catch the TSE to Vladivostok and fly back from there to Iran. Train travel time for that particular version is I believe 6 days.

As far as things to see in Siberia -- Lake Baikal is what immediately springs to mind, but by the time you get there you are almost in Mongolia.


I suggest this route - Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod (very old and beautiful city, temples, architecture, museums), Kazan (one of the oldest cities in Russia. Recommend to visit the Kazan Kremlin, Kul-Sharif), Ufa (great culture and good people, rich Bashkir national cuisine. One of the best honey in the world produce here. And in this city I live.))) help you to solve any problems.), Yekaterinburg (the magnificent city, which was executed by the family of the last Russian Tsar Nicholas 2. a the oldest cities in the country), Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk, Lake Baikal. This is the least that we can make it. However, I think, and this time you do not have enough.

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