Advice on booking flight tickets while pregnant


You want to fly at 28 weeks ("7 months out of 9 months") pregant.

Your question is a bit confusing. To try provide some rough answers:

  1. Per se, it's no big deal to fly at 7 months pregnant. Humans are tough

  2. My good wife would do it all the time, but she's awesome She never once had any sort of letter, form, etc.

  3. That being said, does your wife really want such a hassle? Why? If you have to "see your cousins" or some such, it can wait. Being pregnant is a great time to sit around and relax.

  4. You mention "booking ahead" etc. Unfortunately, put that out of your mind. That luxury does not exist. So, that's done. You can't "book ahead" more than say, four hours, if you're 7 months pregnant. "Booking ahead" is for 19 year old single people. Forget it - unfortunately that's the reality.

  5. Short flights are hugely different from long flights.

  6. Your question about "what are the odds" is unanswerable. Yes, as you suspect, such a form is a bit of a formality. It's no big deal. So long as your good wife is reasonably fit and not too old, it's a rubber-stamp situation.

To repeat, the key info here is ( ... being a parent is shocking in many ways; wait until you realize you can, eg, "never go out again" .. and that you have to "save $300,000 for college" .. and that you have to "start planning the next kids the day you have the first" ... !), just utterly forget the 'booking ahead' aspect. The way to think of it is, that was just a cute thing that used to happen when you were young and single. :) If you can't afford to book at the last minute, unfortunately, just forget it. (Unless your wife is incredibly young and incredibly fit.) It's absolutely impossible to know how your good wife will feel at that time and she understandably has absolute priority; she may just quite reasonably say "Who the heck wants to fly anywhere, let's relax at home," all the nicer!

Hope these generalizations help.

Footnote - note that, indeed, it appears you want to fly at "28 weeks".

In fact, coincidentally, that is indeed the "nominal cutoff" for airlines. Up to 28 weeks they couldn't care less and don't even ask, you're just a human being who happens to be pregnant.

I say "nominal" because .. who ever knows? Your doctor only just estimates the two dates.

It's very likely you could just fly with this never being an issue or even being asked about it.

Hint: many women who are expert at flying around while heavily pregnant, and know what they're doing, just rock up to the counter, and if even asked, they will say "why yes, I'm 27 weeks pregnant!"

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