Help me find a book describing two specific walks across Paris, France


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I think I have now found what I was looking for. The then book was Topo-guide des sentiers de randonnée : GR de pays, Paris à pied published by FFRandonnée (Fédération Française de la Randonnée Pédestre) in 1997.

This site apparently refers to the same two walks (and also shows maps):

  • north-south: from Porte de la Villette to Porte d'Arcueil (Parc Montsouris)

  • east-weat: from Porte Dauphine (Bois de Boulogne) to Porte Dorée (Bois de Vincennes)

A newer guide, Paris ... à pied from 2016, contains descriptions of three walks with the following summaries (translation courtesy of Google Translate). It might be a newer version of the same book with routes no. 2 and 3 being those I was looking for.

Traversée N ° 1 is west-east oriented. It crosses the Seine twice but is largely left bank. The route travels through picturesque neighborhoods, such as the Latin Quarter and the Montagne Ste Geneviève, evoking the Philippe-Auguste enclosure, and the lower Bièvre. The circuit also allows to take several large green areas: Champs de Mars, Luxembourg garden, Jardin des Plantes or the park of Bercy.

Traversée N ° 2 is a North-South route, with more pronounced relief, which connects two major Haussmann parks: the parks of Buttes-Chaumont and Montsouris. It allows to survey some historic districts such as the Marais and its mansions, the medieval streets of the Maubert-Saint-Séverin sector or the Mouffetard district.

Traversée N ° 3 is oriented West-East, connecting Porte Maillot to the Porte Dorée, and offers you a discovery of the old villages of the capital. The Musarde route through Parc Monceau or Belleville, exploring the Buttes-Chaumont Park, climbing the Montmartre hill and the Belleville plateau, or along the old Petite Ceinture railway.

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