Irish visa refused three years ago. How to reapply?


As you correctly point out the time for appeals is long gone, so the next logical step is to apply for a fresh visa. Anyone can apply for an Irish visa at any time, however I presume your goal is to avoid a second refusal. In this case I suggest the following:

  • Make sure that there is a substantial change of circumstances since the last application. E.g. does your boyfriend now have a stable job or a new home in his country of residence?
  • Read up our excellent explanation on why visas are refused. It's focused on the UK, but the same principles generally apply to the visa system in all developed countries.
  • When you submit your application prepare a cover letter explaining what's changed since the last application.
  • If in doubt, contact an Irish solicitor specializing in immigration questions. That's the 'golden' solution to any problematic visa application, as it lets you avoid any pitfalls in the process.

Another solution would be for the two of you to get married - in this case a different set of rules would begin to apply and the whole application would become a lot easier.

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