flying out of US with four (4) mechanical keyboards


Accepted answer

Do you foresee me having any problems during baggage screening at the US airport ? Should I be worried and is there anything I can do to make this as uneventful as possible ?

I don't foresee you having any problems whatsoever. TSA agents are not completely stupid although a few incidents makes one wonder. They know what keyboards are and are extremely unlikely to construe those as weapons. Very very unlikely worst case scenario, they ask you to check them. TSA has literally seen it all. Like someone wrote you might want to have the a product spec sheets, just in case you asked, as you go through security.


I do not fly with four keyboards but I always have one. And it's a split keyboard (which I actually use vertically) so it looks really weird to boot. What happens at security? I'd say about 3 in 4 cases no one gives a hoot, 1 in 4 cases they remove it from the bag to ask what the ... is that? And I tell them, it's a split keyboard. And that I work remotely, I am away for extended period of time, I need a good keyboard. This typically takes less than a minute and then they swab it and off we go.

So yeah, be ready with an explanation and you are good to go. Security is not customs or immigration to care whether you can import these things or whether you are allowed to work at the other end. It's not a weapon, it's not an explosive, everything is fine.

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