Renting a motorbike from a private person in Indonesia?


Accepted answer


If you cannot speak Indonesian, it is better for you to be always accompanied with an Indonesian you trust when making any contract. The hotel staffs might be the best choice because they can speak both Indonesian and English.

As giving tips is common in Indonesia, just give them about 25,000 rupiahs for a 30 minute task. It should be enough to make them happy. :-)

It is also better to mention the tips in advance so they get excited.

Main answer

Every motorcycle in Indonesia has both STNK (Surat Tanda Nomor Kendaraan) and BPKB (Buku Pemilik Kendaraan Bermotor) documents.

When riding motorcycle, we need to bring the original STNK and driving licence. Keep the BPKB at home.

As a result, when you rent a motorcycle, you must get the original STNK. You cannot get the BPKB because it must be kept by the owner. The STNK looks like the following figure.

enter image description here

How can you determine whether it is original or counterfeit? It is a bit difficult. Even though registered number written in STNK agrees to the number plate, the STNK might not be original. So what can we do?

The most important thing you have to remember is the person from who you rent the motorcycle. Just take a picture with him/her. Cheese...

Making a copy of his/her ID card is common procedure. Please check the photograph. Unfortunately, the ID card might also be counterfeited.

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