Are there any restaurants landside at Gatwick airport? (Ideally North terminal)



Google Maps appears to show a Jamie's Italian and a seafood place called Caviar House & Prunier landside.

If you look carefully at the directory you'll see that there are two Jamie's Italians: a "van" landside and a restaurant airside. (In the right column, under Location, it says Before security or After security). The seafood place, however, claims to be airside, so maybe Google has the location wrong. There's also a Costa (at least, I think "arrivals" means landside rather than next to the baggage collection), where you can probably get a soup and a ciabatta.

At the South Terminal, there's an Apostrophe, a Nero, a Giraffe, and a Wetherspoons landside, although the latter two close too early for you.

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