American in Europe: can I avoid import fees?


Accepted answer

You have basically three options:

  1. Buy a phone in Europe. If you can't find the one you want, buy a cheap one that will suit you until you return home, then buy the phone you really want. Consider re-selling the European phone on eBay back home to recuperate some of your cost.

  2. Buy the phone from the US, and pay import duties. If you're particular about the phone, and you can't wait, this is your best bet. There's a chance you may be able to re-claim the import duty when you leave. It is common to reclaim VAT taxes when leaving as a tourist. In principle import duties are the same, but that doesn't mean it's possible, and it's certainly not routine, so it may be more hassle than it's worth.

  3. Find someone traveling from the US to Europe, and have them bring it with them. Technically, they are likely subject to the same import duties (since they're importing a phone, and it's not for their personal use), but in practice, it's easy to fly under the radar in this case, and since you're taking the phone out of the region again, it seems (to me, IANAL) within the intent of the law.


If you buy it in Europe, then you may be liable for duty when you return to the USA. Fortunately, unless it is really expensive, it likely falls under your personal duty free allowance (assuming you haven't bought a lot of other expensive stuff). But you need to make sure it covers all global frequencies not just the standard GSM used in Europe.

If you buy from the USA and have it shipped to Europe, then you are stuck paying whatever import duties are charged by Germany. You maybe able to get the VAT and other taxes refunded when you take the phone out of Germany, but I am not familiar with German rules (I know many countries only refund VAT if you bought it from certain stores authorized to issue the paperwork for a refund).


The only straightforward, legal way to do this without much fuss is to buy the phone from within the EU. There is ebay and a whole variety of other local websites working within the EU, and second hand phone shops are everywhere.

You may be liable for some kind of import fee on returning to the US, although there is a personal allowance of $800 - this would cover the cost of your desired phone brand new, nevermind second hand.

Another option may be to investigate your travel insurance (if you have any). Whil they'll likley just give you cash, they may have their own procedures for replacements (and also likley a time limit within which to notify them to make a claim).

Finally, you may be able to import the phone and then claim import VAT relief as a temporary admission. The UK government describes the system on their website, although you'll have to claim this relief in the country you import it to, which hits the language barrier problem again.

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