Public Libraries / Private Library or other places to study in Lille


Accepted answer

As you are in a master’s degree, you are enrolled in a university (assuming you are enrolled at Lille 1 but all public universities work exactly the same way)

All major universities have what we refer commonly as a BU (bibliothèque universitaire, university library), which is a very common place to study in French universities.

For Lille University, there are 4 of them (all information are in the link), all seems to be on-campus and all are accessible to you as you are a student of that university

And on the above link, there are also partnered and associated libraries to which you may have access with your student card (I don't know if that's actually the case)

Frequentation is highly variable, and it can definitely be crowded, but usually a very calm environment overall (this is from my experience at a different university, not Lille's in particular)

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