I own a Mexican plated car though I am a US Citizen (I live in Mexico). I want to drive to houston TX


You should be fine. I live in New Mexico and I see both Mexican and Canadian license plates on the road all the time. One thing to consider is if your drivers license is in Spanish you may have to get an international driving license in English, but since Spanish is common in the Southwest and Texas you might be OK.

Have a safe trip.


Allthough it may differ a bit in different jurisdictions, the general rule is that for drivers licence and plates your main place of residence is what counts.

When moving to Texas you are generally required to exchange your

  • drivers licence within 90 days
  • plates within 30 days

So, as a resident of Mexico (i.e. not a resident of Texas), it might be considered strange if you were driving with a texan driver's licence and plates unless you fullfill one of the exception to these general rules.

Since Mexico doesn't seem to required an exchange of a foreign driver's licence while it is still valid, the combination of a non Mexican driver's licence and Mexican plates will probably be known to the Texas police.


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