Length of Schengen tourist visa?


Accepted answer

The Schengen C-Visa is a short term visa up to 90 days.

It is up to the discretion of the consulate to deside for how long the visa allows someone to remain (Period of stay)

  • first time applicants could very well receive only the time given in their itinerary

In such cases the period of validity (i.e. when it can be used to enter and exit) will be 15 days more than the duration

  • date of arrival + duration of stay + 15 days of "period of grace"

In this way, you can delay your arrival by a few days if needed.

period of validity: the period during which the visa holder may use the issued visa:

8.2 Period of validity
The period of validity should correspond to the information provided by the applicant. In all cases an additional "period of grace" of 15 days should be included in the period of validity to allow for a certain room for manoeuvre for the visa holder.

period of authorised stay: the effective number of days that the visa holder may stay in the territory of the Member States during the period of validity of the visa. The period of authorised stay may be from 1 up to 90 days.

8.3 Period of stay
The period of authorised stay should correspond to the intended purpose of stay or transit, while respecting the general rules in relation to the length of stay.


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