Is it possible to obtain a HES (Hayat Eve Sigar) code without a Turkish phone number?


Your HES code has to be connected to your Istanbulkart (card used for public transportation) and only one HES code per Istanbulkart. You can't share cards anymore like before where you could pay for several people on the same card. There are information offices available near train stations, ferry etc. to assist you in obtaining a HES code and even connecting your HES code to your IstanbulKart. It is a fairly new system so there are some errors and not much information online about it. You can ask someone at wherever you are staying to obtain a HES code for you by texting the number provided (they will already know how to do this they only need your information). They will be more than happy to do that. I traveled by plane between cities not needing a HES code. Traveling by bus from the airport or to the airport in Istanbul (both airports) I also didn't need a HES code. But bus rides in between cities and public transportation in Istanbul you have to have a HES code or you won't be able to get through anywhere your istanbulkart will get declined. Nus-ret Steak house asked us for our HES code in order to check us in and seat us. Walking into malls also requires a HES code. Even if you don't have the app and you just have your code they can manually enter it. The app is working now for American numbers (I can't say for others because my number is american) I was able to sign up without an issue and the HES code I had obtained a few weeks ago on my trip was already in the app. I got away entering some of the malls by just saying I am an american and showing my passport but that will only get you so far. Eventually I had to get a HES code but the information desk in eminonu helped me in obtaining one and they spoke english too. The airports weren't much help. Some people would say foreigners don't need a HES code but towards the end of my trip I realized everyone needs a HES code that it is mandatory no matter what airlines say on their website. If you are renting a car and not visiting big malls you should be able to get away with not getting a HES code but if you do all else I mentioned then get one literally the first day you get there or it will be a major headache later.


It looks like the app is badly designed, others are also complaining about the same issue:

Totally useless app which only shows that the Turkish government doesn't care about the thousands of tourists who have been stranded in Turkey since the beginning of the corona pandemic. It's only in Turkish, it doesn't accept foreign phone numbers so you can't even start using it. The question remains: How will foreigners travel by trains, domestic flights and bus in Turkey in the coming days if it's IMPOSSIBLE to use the app for foreign visitors and you can't get a ticket without it ?

Hopefully the Turkish government fixes this soon. In the meantime, maybe you could use the number of a friend in Turkey or rent a a Turkish phone number.


The HES code is only required for Turkish citizens, it's not required for foreigners with or without residency. This information is available on the Turkish airlines and SunExpress websites, and I verified it by calling Turkish Airlines.

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