Do Venezuelan passport holders need a visa to transit through Santiago, Chile?


Accepted answer

Timatic, the database which airlines use to verify passenger travel documents, says no transit visa is needed for a Venezuelan national to transit Chile airside:

TWOV (Transit Without Visa):
Visa required, except for Passengers with a confirmed onward ticket for a flight to a third country within 24 hours. They must stay in the international transit area of the airport and have documents required for the next destination.

Obviously she will need to have her visa for Australia already.


Chile has for Venezuelan citizens new immigration rules:

like Visto Consular de Turismo (VCT) and Visa De Responsabilidad Democrática (VRD)

but for her on Transit by plane, there is no visa required: I quote from an official FAQ site: (from here)

12- Si soy ciudadano venezolano y paso por Chile es una escala aérea o viajo en bus, pero mi destino final es otro país ¿Debo tener Visto Consular de Turismo?

R: Vía terrestre: Sí. Al hacer la escala debe hacer cumplir la ley migratoria, salvo en los casos que existan convenios bilaterales en materia de residencia.

Vía aérea: No, no requiere visto consular de turismo para tránsito.

In English:

12- If I am a Venezuelan citizen and I pass through Chile, it is an air stopover or I travel by bus, but my final destination is another country. Should I have Consular Tourism Visa?

A: By land: Yes. When making the stopover you must enforce the immigration law, except in cases where there are bilateral agreements on residence.

By air: No, it does not require a tourist consular visa for transit.

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