Traveling to the Schengen area with a German residency permit through other countries


There are three different kinds of Fiktionsbescheinigungen. If you have applied for your first residence permit in Germany, you will have been issued a so called Erlaubnisfiktion according to ยง81(3)1 AufenthG. This document is not a temporary residence permit, but a document confirming that your stay in Germany is tolerated until your application for a residence permit has been decided upon. The document does not give you the right to deduct your stay in Germany from the 90 days Schengen allowance, after exceeding 90 days in the Schengen area, you must expect problems if you try to leave the Schengen area from any other country but Germany, but perhaps most important is, that the document does not even allow you to reenter Germany if you have exhausted the allowed 90 days and then left (Allgemeine Verwaltungsvorschrift zum AufenthG).

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