Shipping a package from the US to Europe


The cheapest option will definitely to have them transported via the sea. Now the question is more about the volume... One hundred books will probably represent 3-4 boxes depending on the size of the books. Probably more than 50 Kgs. If you send it via a regular carrier, it will cost you a lot of money. I have performed some simulations with GLS and Fedex and it will cost you above 500 €.

Sea transportation usually require a minimum volume. The carriers won't really bother transporting few boxes. Most of them are looking for at least a container or few pallets.


When I first moved from the UK to the US, back in 1991, we used a shipping agent whose basic unit was the tea chest. I called them, they turned up at my London digs and dropped off as many empty tea chests as I'd said I wanted. I packed them and rang, they turned up and collected the full and unused ones. I paid a flat rate per full chest, and they went away. Some ten weeks later the full chests were delivered to my Boston digs.

I post this mostly to let you know that there is a middle ground, people who are interested in shipping more than a parcel and less than a container, and I'm fairly sure google will dig some out for you (I found a couple in minutes, but they're UK-based).

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