Can I combine two French stamps?


Accepted answer

In France there is no distinction between local and international stamps. All french stamps are created equal (except their value).

You can put as many stamps as you want and you can put as much value as you want. You just need to put at least the required value to the destination.


As mouviciel explained, you can indeed combine stamps to reach the required value. You can do that even with stamps that don't have a value printed on them. They remain valid even if the prices changes and their value is the current price for the relevant service (green stamp = letter in France, red = priority letter in France, blue = EU, purple = rest of the world). You can also buy 1, 5, and 10 cents stamps to complement regular stamps.

A regular red stamps is currently worth 0.66 € and an international letter (outside the EU) costs 0.98 €. So two red stamps or even two green stamps are definitely enough for an international letter.

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