Covid-19 Testing - Walking distance from Disney World


Accepted answer

You'll be fine with a rapid test.

Get tested for current infection with a COVID-19 viral test 3-5 days after arrival.

This paragraph links to, which includes rapid self-tests as one of the listed test types.

If a PCR test were required, they would specifically say so.


I was there at Christmas when testing was more strict. We brought with us a pack of seven NHS tests.

On day 3 we tested both kids and took a photo of the result. There was no mechanism to log this result and no one asked us for proof at any point that we'd even tested them.

The negative pre flight and return tests (which at the time were required) were checked by the airline. The answers we got online from people who'd come back, ranged from, "we didn't test them at all" to "we spent $300 on a test" via "we did our own in the room".

However, no one said they'd been asked for a proof of test. I have searched and I haven't found anyone reporting being caught out by this requirement, but would be fascinated if anyone else has.


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