Transiting through Scotland from a quarantined country


Accepted answer

The Scottish advice on self-isolation states:

You can only leave your accommodation in limited circumstances. These include where:

  • you need to travel to leave Scotland, provided that you do so directly

Which would suggest that your friend won't be required to spend the 14 days in Scotland - they are allowed to travel to leave Scotland (i.e. to travel to you in England) but must do so directly (you mentioned they were getting the train so might be worth reminding them about the face-covering requirements on public transport). Since neither Scotland nor Switzerland are on the English list they don't have isolate in England, assuming they haven't been in any other places in the previous 14 days that do trigger a quarantine of course.

On that point it's worth double checking their route since this could affect them:

If you use Basel-Mulhouse-Freiburg airport to return to the UK, you will transit France and therefore will be required to self-isolate on your return to the UK.

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