I want to go on a round the world trip for over a year, what do I tell the bank and what do I with my stuff?



  • German citizenship
  • not retaining apartment
  • you are planning to return after a specific period

Step 1:

  • de-registering your address (you will not be returning to that address)
    • retain Abmeldebescheinigung
    • you ID will be amended with 'No main address in Germany'

This will stop all official post (which may contain any deadlines) from being sent.

Step 2:

Once you have the Abmeldebescheinigung:

  • you can cancel existing contracts based on a
    • außerordentlichen KΓΌndigung (extraordinary termination)
      • Rundfunkbeitrag (GEZ), electricity, telefon, internet etc.


  • if wish to retain this, you must make some arrangement with them
    • since you have de-registered, but will be returning
    • storing of official documents in a safe would be an option


  • during the time outside Germany is not mandatory
    • de-register or switch to some other form of insurance if desired



You will need an address in Germany with someone opening the mail for you.
As you state you do not have family or friends (close enough that you can rely on them) you may have to look for a paid service that does this.
I know that in some countries these services exist, that hold all mail and open those you indicate need opening or open all mail and forward the contents by e-mail or whatever service you decide on. That is not just your bank, it can be tax or pension plan mail, or a late delivery for council tax. Or even a service you need to ask for while you are traveling.

Such an address/service will take care of your bank mail, but it should be possible for you to talk with your bank to get them to hold the important mail and send the rest to a place where you can later collect it. Banks should have handled this kind of situation before.

Long term storage can be done in self storage, but for your important documents you may want to consider a bank safe box. There are several kinds and your local bank should be able to tell you what kind you can find there.

Having a working bank account with a savings account connected with it, as well as a debit card that works from it, will be helpful when applying for visa and when crossing borders where officials want to make sure you will have enough money to survive in their country.

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