Back from Canada to US without passport


Accepted answer

Air travel:

Without correct papers, you will not be flying today.

Land travel:

Canada will let you in with a smile, because your state driver's license is good enough for them.

USA Immigration has an interesting problem. First, you are a US citizen so you have the irrefutable right to enter the United States. But second, US law requires you have certain papers, specifically a Passport, or certain lesser documents deemed appropriate for land travel from CA, such as a Passport Card, Enhanced Driver's License/state ID, SENTRI, Nexus, etc. Sadly, a REAL ID is not one.

So the answer is, Immigration will admit you grudgingly, and after delaying you somewhat punitively, and giving you fifty lashes with a wet noodle, i.e. a stern talking-to about having the correct documents in the future. This will create no serious adverse marks on your immigration record, and you won't have to tell foreign countries "yes" for "were you ever refused entry to a country".

However, if you or your parents don't have legal residency in the US, Do Not Do This Travel. You will likely be stopped and refused trying to re-enter the US; happens all the time to immigrant families; often with the children being allowed to reenter (as they are born citizens) but the parents not.

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