What can I (US citizen) do to help friend (Ukraine citizen) obtain a United States B-2 visitor visa?


Accepted answer

What kind of documents should I submit, if any?

An applicant for a visitor visa must generally be able to show how he or she will pay for the trip. If someone else is paying for the trip, that person should write a letter explaining how and why. With the letter, the person supporting the visitor should include evidence such as bank account statements showing that he or she is able to afford the support being offered.

Who should I provide documentation to? Her? Immigration authorities?

The documents must be submitted by the applicant as part of the application, so the person providing the support will have to give them to the applicant.

Do tickets need to be purchased prior to the visa application? Or can this wait until after in case the application is denied?

It's almost always a bad idea to purchase the tickets before the visa is granted, since there is always a chance that it will not be.

I've read some information about "sponsoring" a foreign national's visa. Would such action raise eyebrows in the case of a friend (i.e. non-relative)? What does it entail?

The word "sponsor" is used rather loosely in most immigration contexts. It could refer to a US citizen or permanent resident who has petitioned for a relative to immigrate to the US, or to an employer who has petitioned for an employee. For a US visitor visa, there is no formal petition, but the term "sponsor" could be used to refer to someone who is contributing financial or other resources to support a visitor during a visit, as in the situation described in the question.

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