Switzerland - sleeping in the car?


Accepted answer

According to this Trip Adviser forum:

it is not legal to spend a night in a camping car/van/caravan etc outside of a designated camp ground here in switzerland. You need to get a list of camp sites and plan your trip accordingly.

However, another individual did also comment:

Ticino is part of Switzerland and it seems to be legal at least to sleep in your car overnight. You have to remove the keys from the ignition and put them away otherwise you can be fined though.

However, this website states:

It is generally not permitted to stay overnight in a car on a public parking lot. It is therefore recommended to find a campground or any other accommodation where you can spend the night. In some regions, sleeping for one night in the car is tolerated. You can ask at the local police station for more information.

From just a general observation, it seems that it would not be advisable to sleep in your car overnight.

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