Could you be denied entry to a country because your heritage and name sound Turkish?


Accepted answer

In a nutshell, no, the USA will not deny entry because of your name. The article (which, incidentally, is from a free newspaper with low journalistic standards) even admits that the couple was not told why they were refused entry, and that the "Turkish name" thing is just the wife's theory:

Although they were never told why they were denied entry, Natasha suspects it was because of her husband’s Turkish name and origin.

The refusal stamp references INA 217, which in turns means that they may have been denied entry for any of the reasons in Section 212.

So what was the actual reason? Given that we have near-zero data to go on, it's difficult to speculate, but presumably the story they told at Immigration didn't match up with what they said when applying for the visa, or they raised suspicion that they were planning to work and/or overstay in the US. (You will also note that Section 212, which is the complete list of reasons why you may be denied entry to the US, says nothing about having a "Muslim name" or anything remotely similar.)

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