UK Marriage Visitor Visa (MVV) refusal and subsequent fresh application


Thanks for uploading your refusal notice. You have applied for a marriage visitor visa which is a type of visitor and falls under this group's charter. You also have the option to post on Expats because your intentions are to settle in the UK.

At the moment you are having post-submission anxiety because you have a previous refusal for the same visa type. People get this syndrome when their application is in the pipeline and they are awaiting a decision. But once they deduct the fee from your account, there's nothing to be done until they reach a decision. It means you have to brass it out.

Your previous refusal doesn't look that great. Essentially you told them flat out that you plan to violate the terms of your visa; it's hard to know what you were thinking. You told them you want to make an in-country switch to a spouse visa but this is so against the rules that even the suggestion of it gets them upset.

The only type of marriage visa that allows for an in-country switch is the fiance visa. Presumably you are opting for a visitor visa because it's so much cheaper and gets you into the UK without going through the financial hurdles that family formation entails; or in short, it's a type of deceit. They get upset when this happens and they stay upset for a long time. Take note that they are now refusing British citizenship (i.e., British passports) to people who have used this strategy. It leaves the person in a state of limbo until they can claim long-term residence (20 years).

It's all water over the dam now that an application has been submitted. As mentioned above, the only cure for post-submission anxiety is to brass it out. If you get another refusal, you can use the advice offered by Michael Hamilton (to whom thanks) in comments...

I regret to say that you likely now have little chance of getting a marriage visa on your own, and will need professional assistance. You will almost certainly need help from a UK immigration adviser. Your partner can engage one locally in the UK

Lots of people find the financial hurdles in Appendix FM daunting and try to find another way to be together in the UK, even if it's illegal. If their decision on your current application is regressive, you can search for a professional at ILPA.

Your tangible question...

how long will I wait for the result?

According to their statistics, they should get something back to you by the end of next week.

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