Recalling the train/seat details for a SNCF ticket loaded onto your Voyageur card?


Accepted answer

Print a Reminder at the Yellow SNCF Self-service Machines

You should be able to print an e-ticket reminder using one of the SNCF self-service machines (the yellow ones) you can find in most stations. All you need is the card you used to book/purchase the ticket. This SNCF documentation page (in French) explains how. Here is the equivalent page in English, which is much less informative.

The homepage of the self-service machines will show you something like this (modified from the image found on the aforementioned SNCF documentation page):

SNCF Self service

Click on the button next to the huge blue arrow to access the memo-printing menu. In case you don't speak French, the machine allows you to select four other languages including English.

The self-service machines work only with chip-and-pin cards. If however you don't happen to have a chip-and-pin card, you can always print out your e-ticket reminder at the manned SNCF ticket offices inside the station. The aforementioned page also explains this.

SMS Reminder

Upon booking via the Programme Voyageur you can ask for an SMS reminder, which you should receive 24h prior to departure. This will contain key information such as departure time and seat. Note that the SMS service can be requested only upon booking, and if the booking happens before 12:00 noon on the depature day at the latest. Quoting from the SNCF Programme Voyageur page:

  • +de tranquillité

Automatiquement, vos billets de train sont enregistrés dans votre carte de fidélité. Vous recevez un mémo voyage par e-mail. La veille de votre départ, un SMS** vous rappelle les informations clés de votre voyage : placement à bord, horaire de départ

** le SMS n'est proposé que si la commande a lieu au plus tard à midi la veille du départ du train.

Your SNCF Account / SNCF Mobile App

There is also the SNCF website, on which you should have registered your card, which will show you you past and planned journeys. The SNCF android app allows you to login to this website to retrieve your ticket details. It does also mention the possibility of storing your e-ticket. I have never tried this app but I'm betting on it requiring internet access to connect to the website, so both these solutions don't fit your requirements.


There is indeed an android Voyages SNCF app, you can import existing tickets in it !

Once you've done this, you can access your e-ticket (actually a QR Code) anytime, even in airplane mode.

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