Getting to the Taj Mahal from Delhi and back?


Accepted answer

There are tons of trains running between various stations in Delhi and Agra, just do a search on the Indian Rail site. However, Indian Railways doesn't believe in regular schedules or short routes, so most of all of them run on long, weird, multi-day routes, and are consequently liable to be delayed, sometimes hours, sometimes days. Many trains also do not have anything approaching comfortable seating by Western standards, and are horribly slow because they stop at every cow shed along the way. Hence your page's recommendation for trains that start in or near Delhi, which are pretty much guaranteed to be on time, and are "superfast" so they get to Agra in a reasonable amount of time (don't expect a bullet train...).

The other option is the bus, there are lots more and they are reasonable point-to-point. However, they're subject to the crawling horror of Delhi traffic and the no-holds-barred mayhem on the highways, so I prefer trains when I can.

Despite some tough competition, Agra is quite possibly the most tout-infested city in India, you may find yourself wishing for a nice, heavy stick to beat off the "taxi sir" hordes that will accost you on the platform the moment you get off. Find and use the prepaid taxi stand at Agra Cantt, but on the way back from the Taj, you'll have to hone your bargaining skills. And if you're seriously considering walking the 4 mi between the two, I can only presume you haven't been to an Indian city yet...

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