Is there a "running sushi"/"sushi train" anywhere in Lithuania?


the term is "Kaiten-Zushi", a sushi restaurant where a plate of sushi is placed on a rotating conveyor belt that moves through the restaurant, passing each table and seat. Customers often can request special orders.

Unfortunately searching for "kaiten zushi Lietuvoje" nor for "Kaiten-Sushi in Lithuania" didn't come up with any significant result.

the closest Sushi Train (Kaiten-Zushi) restaurant listing I found was, which seems to be a buffet-table style belt. (Sushi King, KalvarijΕ³ Street, 149, Vilnius.)

When researching to answer your questions, I found some inspiring sites, with more information on some "traditional" Sushi places.

Lithuanian: Use automatic translation if needed:



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