How should I go about declaring a religious article?


Regardless: Do I need to declare my gold coin,


and if so, what dollar value should I assign it

at least the value of gold per grams which in itself will be significant -- a quarter troy oz bullion gold coin is about the same size as a Canadian 5c coin (20mm diameter , 1.78mm thickness vs 21.2mm, 1.76mm thickness) and at the time of this writing is worth 432.6 CAD. Of course bullion is near 100% gold and I can't know how much gold is in your coin.

whether my gold coin even qualifies as a religious article under Memorandum D10-15-12.

Read the following:

  1. The importer may be asked to provide a certification attesting that articles claimed under the tariff item are in fact for religious devotion. The certificate must:

(a) be from an appropriate religious administration (e.g. Catholic or Anglican Diocese, Jewish Synagogue, Hindu Temple, Moslem Mosque) that has charitable status from the Canada Revenue Agency;

Searching the CRA for taoist lists six such. Contact one and ask whether they would be willing to issue an official declaration. I strongly suspect the answer will be no.

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