What's the cheapest way of traveling between Cambridge and Sheffield, UK?


Accepted answer

Do you need to travel at a given time on the day? If not, the National Rail site gives rail tickets for two days from now from £20.50 (one way) for a 2:55 hours (so say three hours) journey. This journey does require three changes, so not ideal. But there are other options for under £35 that require just changing once.

Even an anytime ticket that allows you to buy the ticket on the day and take any train on the route does not cost more than £72.10 for a round trip ticket. And if you are young or old you might be able to get a pass that gives you reductions every time you use a train.

An other planner I like to use (for planning purposes) is the Traveline site, which allows you to select your transport of choice, bus, coach or train, or a combination. And it goes from door to door if you set it for that.
Although for this journey it does not find any bus/coach journeys under 4:30 hours, with some changes.

In any case, I would go to the site of the actual company to get the most updated prices, specially when you need to book ahead.


Have you tried https://trainsplit.com (their site looks a bit unprofessional, but their app doesn't). Regardless they are National Rail Accredited.

I entered the details you mentioned and the most expensive costs £78 (return) but cheapest is £46.

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Not sure why you think the bus is that so expensive? https://www.nationalexpress.com/ offers round trips in March for about £36 (non-refundable, booked in advance).

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