Quitting job to visit my UK boyfriend for longer


I realise your question was a year ago and therefore probably this answer is too late. We had someone in our office in a similar situation (we are in the UK and her boyfriend was in New Zealand). She was able to arrange to have a year of unpaid-leave/sabbatical while keeping her job open for her return. This meant that she did still have a job, even though she was away for a year.

Whether this is possible depends on your company, how long you've been there, what position you hold and how keen they are to keep you, but it might be an option to explore.


Your question is impossible to answer with certainty. The official advice for visa-free entry is that you can stay in the UK for up to 6 months (if you are allowed entry and if the Immigration Officer doesn’t decide to curtail this). However, you should bring the same documents you’d need to apply for a visa, to show to officers at the UK border https://www.gov.uk/check-uk-visa/y/usa/tourism The latter includes proof of your ties to the US. If your job is currently your only strong tie (no dependent family, no property, no savings to speak of etc) you may have difficulty convincing Immigration, if questioned, that you are a genuine visitor https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/673351/Visit-guidance-v7.0EXT.PDF#page15 given that your answers would be along the lines of ‘I recently gave up my job to be able to spend more time in the UK with my boyfriend’.

Having proof of accommodation for a week in London won’t necessarily improve your chances. What you should have if you decide to try this is a letter of invitation from your boyfriend stating the reason he’s inviting you, on what basis (eg accommodation only) and for how long. Having a return ticket that matches the end of visit date in the invitation would be essential.

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