Is there a rule against taking food through TSA security checkpoints?


Accepted answer

The TSA "Can I Bring?" tool, in general, says that food is allowed. There are a number of foods that are not allowed, but these are mainly due to the LAG (Liquid, Aerosol, Gel) regulations and thus limited to 100ml.

I fly out of SJC on average about once every 4-6 weeks, and I have never been asked about food at any point, and I always travel with some food in my bag (a few granola bars at a minimum), so it's something that I would remember being asked. I've also never heard it at any other airport, nor have I had any friends/work colleges/etc mention it to me.

SJC airport does frequently use dogs for security (all passengers are made walk past a dog, and then generally get "pre-check like" checking such as going through metal detectors rather than millimeter wave scanners). Whilst it is possible that the food question might have been related to the use of a dog, I've still never been asked it (even when they are using a dog).

UPDATE: Just went through TSA at EWR airport. They asked for food to be taken out of all bags (just like they do for laptops/etc). I asked the staff and they said it's a new policy as they can't always see it clearly. I took a zip-lock bag of biscuits out, but left a number of granola bags in my bags and they didn't say anything about them.


Recently the TSA has been asking for food to be taken out of carry-on bags like electronic devices, and liquids. I mainly travel with prepackaged granola bars or cliff bars. I pulled them out and there wasn't any problems.

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