Flight safety and liquid chemicals: 95% alcohol and formol


Contact your airline, and be prepared to give them the security sheet about such substance and the proof that it is safe to transport (so that you have good and approved recipients).

But probably it is easier to buy at your destination (maybe you can call a pharmacy/chemicalshop in advance) or mail (check post regulations) it to your destination.


95%/100% alcohol is officially considered a Hazardous Material, and should never be taken on an aircraft without at least obtaining permission from the airline (which would normally not be granted).

Exact regulations/fines will vary from country to country, but to use the US as an example if you were caught transporting this on a plane you could be liable for up to $500,000 in fines and 5 years in prison.

Please do not put your own safety or the safety of everyone else on the plane at risk by attempting to transport this. If it is not possible to purchase it at your destination, then consider shipping there in advance - correctly labelled so that it is transported via ground.

Formalin may also be considered a hazardous material depending on the concentration. In the US, concentrations of up to 10% Formaldehyde are allowed, which would be equivalent to roughly a 25% solution of Formalin. The best option here would be to check with the airline in advance as to what is allowed, as rules can vary not just from country to country, but also from airline to airline.

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