Do I have to learn to read the greek alphabet if I go to Greece?


Accepted answer

According to this (No. 20):

It will be easy to communicate in Greece, even if your English is not fluent. Most Greeks are familiarized with tourists and they will help you if you need directions or an explanation. Moreover, most street signs are in both Greek and English.....

In addition, this TripAdvisor forum suggests that not knowing Greek shouldn't be a problem. As the comments have suggested, it won't hurt to learn it for your personal enjoyment.


Familiarizing yourself with the Greek alphabet is not a huge stretch and it's always useful to be able to re-recognize certain words, but....

Greece is a huge tourist destination from all over the world, especially Europe. You will find that in the tourist areas information, signage, menus etc will be available in multiple languages.

The extent of my Greek was "Take me to [mangled but apparently understandable place name]".

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