Can I really "wear" my luggage?


If you scroll down to point 4 of this page on then you can see how the journalist Martin Lewis wore his luggage while flying.

It looks like this is still allowed.


Yes you can. Anything on your person does not count as luggage allowance. Earlier this year I had to fly on some airlines where carry-on had a very low weight limit and on some flights which did not allow a personal item in addition to a carry-on, so I designed a vest and had it custom made for exactly this purpose. What inspired me was this video about another photographer needing to go through check-in with a good amount of gear.

In reality, carry-on are almost never weighed, so I just went in as normal. When I did get weighed, that was only two times (in my whole life even!), I simply moved extra contents from my carry-on and the personal item into my vest. Right at the check-in counter and they said nothing. In one case I emptied my entire personal item, plus stuff from the carry-on and put one into the other since I there was no allowance for a personal item.

Both times I did that at check-in and there were no issues. The vest was designed to handle 12kg with pockets large enough to accommodate a laptop, two professional cameras and four lenses, plus lots of additional items, papers, books, etc. When worn, this gets quite uncomfortable which is why I went each time wearing it but mostly empty.

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