Dual Citizen UK Australia, Entering UK on OZ passport to avoid possible UK arrest warrant


You will def be arrested when you land in uk AND any EU country as all are sharing the law enforcement data bases.You will be detained and sent back back to UK if you get arrested in the continent of Europe and if you land in UK you be be detained,Taken to the custody suite at the Airport and then taken in the custody of the police station of where the charges are issued.Bail may be refused or granted within a couple of hours after arriving at the police station.If bail is refused then you will have a court appearance within 24 hours and another shot at bail.If bail is refused again then you will be held for a few days until you are taken to a category b prison and held on remand until the court and verdict and sentence are done.


As far as I am aware if you have a Uk warrant of arrest, it doesnt also mean that you have an EUW, EUW are only issued if the fellon is suspected to be in the EU (proof to the judge must be shown or good cause to beleive) and even then it has to be a serious crime as it involves alot of paper work, some countries like spain ive been told generaly dont care to much about them, hence criminals go to spain


Sounds dodgy, frankly.

As far as I know, the border control system is not connected to PNC (police system where "wanted" flags are set for people, among other things) directly.

That said, UK is one of the countries requiring API (advanced passenger info) from airlines, therefore the airline that you are flying with will pass your details (specifically, name, date of birth and passport details, along with possibly some other info) to UK government. I don't know which exact systems this info will then be matched against, but if it is matched against PNC, then it'll likely be a positive match, as the PNC doesn't care about the citizenship info, only name+dob.

On the whole, if there is an arrest warrant out for you, you should count on the worst. Police loves these warrants, as they don't need to search for people - simply meet them at the arrival gate.

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