Wording of France 'fully vaccinated' entry requirements


Accepted answer

Since 1 February 2022, in order for their vaccination schedule to continue to be recognised as complete, persons aged 18 years or older wishing to enter French territory must have received a booster dose of messenger RNA vaccine no later than nine months after receiving the last mandatory dose.

It is confusingly worded, but it means after 9 months following the last injection, the vaccination schedule a person received is no longer considered complete, that is, until you receive another dose. The legal basis is clear

... Pour celles ayant reçu cette dose complémentaire au-delà du délai de 4 mois mentionné à la phrase précédente, le schéma vaccinal est reconnu comme complet 7 jours après son injection. Une infection à la covid-19 équivaut à l'administration de l'une des deux premières doses ou de la dose complémentaire mentionnées au présent alinéa ; ...

Pour l'application du titre 2 bis, les personnes de dix-huit ans ou plus ayant reçu l'un des vaccins mentionnés au présent a doivent, pour que leur schéma vaccinal reste reconnu comme complet au-delà de 9 mois, avoir reçu la dose complémentaire mentionnée aux deux alinéas précédents ;

... For those who received the additional dose beyond the 4-month period mentioned in the previous sentence, the vaccination schedule is recognized as complete 7 days after the injection [of the booster dose]. ...

For the purposes of Title 2bis [regulations of international movement], persons eighteen years of age or older who have received one of the vaccines mentioned in this article must, in order for their vaccination schedule to remain recognized as complete beyond 9 months, have received the additional dose mentioned in the two preceding paragraphs;

Article 2-2, Décret n° 2021-699 du 1er juin 2021

The 4-month period is only for domestic uses (passe sanitaire), and the 9-month validity is for international movements (as required by the EU). Other provisions will apply mutatis mutandis with 9 months instead of four.

The initial course is recognized as complete within 9 months, after which a booster dose must be obtained for the vaccination to be considered complete again (with a 7-day waiting period). The same rule also applies to the booster doses ad infinitum (until the requirement is removed).

This is consistent with the EU requirement, as well as the interpretation of the IATA and the British Foreign Office.

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