Is the Parc Natural de la Serra d'Irta freely accessible for bicycles?


Accepted answer

I tried it on Komoot. Initially it routed around the park to the north, but I was able to drag the route to go through the park along the coast. However, it warns that some 12 km of the overall route through the park "may not be suitable." In my experience that can mean anything from a dirt path to cobblestones to even a short flight of stairs(!). If I switch from road cycling mode to mountain biking or gravel biking, these warnings go away.

So it looks like it can be done, and you might see nice scenery along the seaside, but since you're targeting road cycling, you should probably avoid it.

If you're not in a hurry, you could try it and turn back if it's too rough. It's not a very long route; the part running through the park itself is roughly 13 km long. The path going around the park to the northwest is roughly 1 km shorter.

Komoot map showing route through Parc Natural Del Desert De Les Palmes


When I zoom in on the park on OpenStreetMap with the "Cycle Map" layer, it seems that the EuroVelo 8 (EV8) route is running through the park, right along the coast. Specifically it's this stage of the route.

I am not local to the area, nor have I been there, but it seems very likely that you can pass with your bicycle.


I have done the route through the park.

It is accessible to cyclists and there are no gates or controls on who enters, only signs warning that access to car is restricted.

The road is gravel/pebbles, doable if one has large tires.

enter image description here

With narrow tires like the one I had (plus a loaded bike) the path can be done but at low speed.

Considering that a thunderstorm was approaching I turned back to the paved road, but another cyclist I met confirmed that all the route is like the one I have seen.

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