Are pharmacies/stores selling general toiletries open airside in Terminal 1, Frankfurt


Accepted answer

Does anyone know what pharmacies/stores selling general toiletries are open airside in Terminal 1?

You can download a map of terminal 1 that show all shops and their types.
Shops & Gastronomie

essential toiletries such as toothpaste, shampoo, deodorant, and soap

In one of the photos for Metropolitan Pharmacy, Apotheke am int. Flughafen Terminal 1, Transit Z I can see many toothpaste brands and they probably have soap as well.

Ajona (25ml, middle shelf, right) and Parodontax (75ml, lower shelf, center) are 2 brands that I recognise and are also available in drugeries and well stocked grocery stores.

Ajona is good for traveling since it small, but plentyfull due to the small portion needed. (normal cost between € 1.25-€1.35)

Ajona is a medical TOOTHCREAM CONCENTRATE and about five times more economical than normal toothpaste. Please use sparingly - a lentil-sized amount is sufficient.

Other, more specialised, products can be ordered beforehand and picked up based on your given flight date and flight number: Online airport shopping? How it works | Frankfurt Airport Online Shopping: To provide you with your reservation on time, you must enter your flight date and flight number when placing your order. ... On the day of your flight, your order will be ready for you at the service point in the Duty Free Store in flight area A. [Area A to C are located in Terminal 1]

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