What plane would have been used to airdrop someone into occupied Europe?


Accepted answer

The earliest air drops of aid to Poland were made in February 1941 using Whitley bombers. To the best of my knowledge, none of these drops involved parachuting agents into Poland.

By 1943, Halifax bombers attached to 138 Squadron were being used by the Special Operations Executive to drop agents and supplies into Poland.

There is an excellent PhD dissertation on the operation of the Polish section of the SOE. Appendix 1 has details of the British air operations to Poland to drop agents. You might find it to be helpful background information.


Halifax bombers were used for some of these missions

For an explicit example of a plane used (as referred to in an accepted answer) - ElΕΌbieta Zawacka may be an interesting inspiration for your story. Her life reads like a movie - and she was in fact parachuted into Poland in September 1943 from a Halifax bomber.

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