What happened to copies of Holy Lance (Holy Roman Empire regalia)?


Here's what I've collected from various sources up to this time:

Hungarian Holy Lance

Historians agree that one of them belonged to Saint Stephen, first king of Hungary. Otto III took a crown for Stephen I to Gniezno and it was sent from there to Hungary, but no sources I could find clarify if the spear came to Hungary the same way. This "Polish route" is mentioned by French monk AdΓ©mar de Chabannes in his chronicles, but their text is unavailable for me. I've read also that there's possibility it could be inherited by Stephen after his father, Grand Duke GΓ©za.

Here's a page from Gospels of Otto III showing Boleslaw and Stephen standing around the emperor, with crowns and both spears.

Page from Gospels of Otto III

It also appears at the coronation mantle of Stephen I, which is kept in Budapest's National Museum, and at coins from Stephen's times, which have been found in 1968, the revers of which depicts them with words "Lancea Regis". But even if historians agree with each other that the spear existed, nothing of what I've found is sure.

Hungarian coronation mantle

During the fights between next rulers of Hungary, Peter Orsoelo and Samuel Aba, both of who were relatives of Stephen, Peter overtook a spear of unknown origin from Samuel and gifted it to Holy Roman Emperor Henry III in return for help. Henry III sent it to Rome as a symbol of victory. According to chronicles of Archbishop of Milan, Arnulf III, it was placed in St. Peter's Basilica, at least until 1693, when it's been mentioned as being placed under guards at Porta Guidonea (one of the church's gates). Unfortunately I was unable to find any later signs of its existence. Maybe some of you may help here.

Bohemian Holy Lance

According to the most unreliable sources, copy of the spear was gifted to Bretislaus II, but I believe it's just misunderstanding in Polish sources and it's the same one that was owned by his father, Vratislaus II. I'd be glad if anybody can put any light on that matter. The lance of Vratislaus II came from Rudolf von Rheinfelden (what's somehow confirmed in the following document), for whom I suppose it was constructed in order to prove his rights to Holy Roman Empire throne. But I'd love to know how Vratislaus II got into its posession.

But another lance appears much earlier. The following illustration for Gumpold's Legend, coming from the beginning of 11th century, shows the winged spear - the same type as Polish and Hungarian one, held by St. Venceslaus. While it's possible that it's just an addition of illustrator, who surely knew how the original one looks like, the winged spear is also at the reverse of XIth century coins (dated before Vratislaus II).

What's important, Vratislaus II soon placed his lance in the church of St. Venceslaus, what could the existence of the St. Venceslaus' spear in later sources, but in any way it cannot deny the existence of earlier ones (illustration and coins). So it's unknown if that's the same spear, two different ones, or the earlier one never existed. Unfortunately, once again I couldn't find anything about it's later history, except for the fact that it's gone now.

St. Venceslaus holding the spear

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