Has there ever been a mass migration of factories comparable to the USSR's in WW2?


No. Up to that time, only the U.S. had more factories than the Soviet Union (Germany came a distant third).

The U.S., the one country that could have pulled off a similar feat, didn't have the incentive to do so. And these Soviet factories produced about as much as all of German industry. So the Germans couldn't have matched the Soviet migration unless they had moved essentially all of their industrial base. And they didn't, if for no other reason that Germany then was much smaller than European Russia; nowhere to move things to.

The command came from Stalin himself. No one else would have had the authority to order such a move, and few men (maybe Hitler or Mao) in history would have had the will to do so.

Source: Relative industrial strengths and outputs can be found in Paul Kennedy's "The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers."


America's migration in that same war was comparable in magnitude, though incomparable in method.

In that same period, America moved over a million citizens from rural areas to industrial cities to man new and expanded factories. (Precise numbers are hard to compute, as there is little census data of use.) Of course, the USA had no reason to dismantle their existing factories and move them, as there was no fear of invasion and little vulnerability to attack. But countless rural workshops and farms were shut down, to be sure. This migration of manpower and production was certainly 'comparable' to the Soviet operation in terms of magnitude, though totally incomparable in coerciveness.


The simple and essentially correct answer is that the massive relocation of Soviet industry in response to Barbarossa was and remains historically unique. There is no other example of which I am aware. About one million railroad cars were required to move about 1,500 plants to the eastern side of the Urals. It is only when one pauses to reflect on the scale of this undertaking that its truly remarkable nature becomes clear. The Soviets accomplished this while under invasion by a force of 3 million men.

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