What are the most recommended non-biased books on Egyptian History


You may begin with: Redford, Donald B., ed. (2001). The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt. for a general account. Ancient Egypt existed for very long time, and it has been very much studied, with plenty of books written on specific periods and various aspects of its history. This one can give you a general orientation.

You do not have to worry that books on ancient Egypt may be biased: the modern Egyptians (Arabs) have nothing to do with ancient Egypt. Even not related:-) Ancient Egypt was first conquered by Persians (26 centuries ago), then by Macedonians, then by the Roman empire, and finally by the Arabs. So its culture (including the language, writing, religion, etc.) was completely forgotten in the process, and was only recovered by the modern science, after their ancient writing was deciphered in the early 19th century.


There are no non-biased histories.

Histories are always written by people, and these people have viewpoints. They list just the facts about kings and battles, ignoring the common people? That's a bias. They focus on the patterns of social development, ignoring the kings and battles? That's a bias.

Historians learn to question their primary and secondary sources. Who wrote it? Who was the audience? What was the motive for writing? No different with tertiary sources. Read several histories, compare them, think about the authors.

At most, you will find one whose biases agree with your own and believe that it is bias-free. But it isn't. That is called an echo chamber effect.

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