Best books on the politics behind WWII



Just some books from an essay I'm writing. They are not directly on the topic, but do go into German internal and external politics.

  • GΓΆtz Aly, Hitler’s beneficiaries: Plunder, Racial War, and the Nazi Welfare State (New York: Metropolitan Books, 2007)

  • Warren Bayard Morris Jr., The Weimar Republic and Nazi Germany (Nelson-Hall, 1982)

  • W. M. Knight-Patterson, Germany: from Defeat to Conquest: 1913-1933 (George Allen / Unwin Ltd., 1945)

  • Herbert Rosinski, The German Army (Frederick A. Praeger,1966) [Not exactly the topic at hand, but outlines the armies reasons for cooperating with the Nazis]

  • John Hiden, Germany and Europe, 1919–1939, Second Edition, Second (London: Longman, 1993)

Now, these books are not directly related to the politics of the time, but they do discuss it, particularly the relationships between Hitler, the Nazi party and the military. Aly in particular analyses the economic reasons that war had to come sooner, rather then latter.

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