Was there any other Germanic person who gained an important position in The Byzantine Empire other than Emperor Tiberios III Apsimar?


Harald Hardrada started out as a member of the Varangian guard, and served in several campaigns in different parts of the Empire. Towards what would be the end of his career in Byzantium, he was awarded the titles Spatharokandidatos and Protospatharios. While these titles do not seem to have been much more than court titles, they do indicate that he was a known and important person. He also played a role in the fighting over who would succeed Michael IV as Emperor.


Around 400 there was a massacre of the Gothic population in Constantinople. The Alans were spared from this because they looked different. Ardaburius, an Alan-Goth, was the Magister Militum of Theodosius. He outlasted Theodosius and became the most powerful person in the East, as did his son, Aspar. In the period from 420-476, these Alans controlled the Eastern Roman Empire. Their primary adversary was the Bonifacius, governor of Africa, and Galla Placidia, the regent in Rome. Aspar appears to have coordinated with the Vandals and Alans in their conquest of Africa. They were eventually able to turn Galla Placidia against Bonifacius. Their influence lasted until Aspar's son, Ardabur, was instigated in a conspiracy. This allowed Zeno to become emperor in 474 which began Isaurian rule. In 476 the Western Empire disappeared. Oh yea, Aspar also tutored Odoacer, king of Italy c. 476-493.

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