Has anyone ever got more than a 21 Gun Salute?


Accepted answer

They weren't fired for an individual, but according to George Lensen's The Russian Push Toward Japan (pp. 148) the Dutch in Japan made salutes of 150 guns:

... the Dutch ships expected to leave their anchorage and, as was their custom, would salute the imperial fortress.... When the Dutch vessels duly departed from Deshima the following day, they saluted with a hundred and fifty guns each.... The Japanese did not return the salute.


The British royal family will sometimes get salutes of 41 guns or 62 guns. These are in increments of 21- 20- and 21- guns.


You really should read through the Wiki that Steve Bird left in his comment. This contains a lot of information from which I quote a couple of notable examples.

Back in the days of the Raj, Emperors used to earn a 101 gun salute.

In modern times, HRH Prince Philip earns 62 rounds on his Birthday and HM Queen Elizabeth II also earns 62 on her official birthday. When the two dates are in coincidence, the two are combined into a single 124 gun salute.

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